Welcome to Data Elicit Solutions

Take Control of Your Data,
have Flexibility,
and Save Up To 40% Cost.

Hi Security Team! We’re your Data Consultancy Firm to help you eliminate redundant data, clean and bring data in a proper format without any manual intervention, and help you to build real world use cases on the data.

Data Ingestion Problems?

Problem 1
Often struggle with data scattered across various systems and applications, creating data silos. This makes it difficult to gain insights from the data and respond to issues effectively.
Problem 2
Deal with massive volumes of log data, especially with the rise of cloud-based applications and IoT devices. This leads to performance issues and data loss.
Problem 3
Raw log data is often unstructured and difficult to understand. This makes it challenging to extract meaningful insights and identify patterns.

How does DataElicit help you tackle the problems?

Our Technology Arsenal



Our certified team leverages Splunk to provide robust log management, advanced data analysis, and real-time monitoring solutions. We tailor services to meet unique business needs, ensuring optimal system performance.



Expertly using Cribl, our team excels in optimizing data flows, transforming logs, and enhancing data pipelines. We deliver customized solutions that streamline data management and improve operational efficiency.



We offer specialized services for Falcon LogScale, focusing on advanced threat detection, log management, and security analytics. Our customized solutions enhance security posture and ensure comprehensive protection.


Our case study

SIEM License Costs: We have observed that SIEM licensing costs have been a significant concern for
organizations, especially as the data volume grows. These costs can be substantial and impact the budget.

Inefficient Data Format : Currently we are dealing in-efficient data format like JSON and Key=Value, which can be challenging to ingest efficiently into Splunk and other SIEM, leading to increased storage and licensing expenses.

Featured Articles

Check out blogs, use-cases and other resources crafted by Data Elicit team to learn about our products and solutions.

Ready to take control of your Data, and reduce costs with Data Elicit?